


——以外研版八年级上册Module 9 Unit3第一课时为例

山东省青州市经济开发区初中   李海萍





本课是一节复习课,为外研版英语八年级上册Module9 Unit3第一课时。模块的主题为“population”,在unit 3 anguage in use里面涉及了本模块重点词汇的运用、冠词的用法和数字的读法、听力的训练、图表的阅读理解以及由人口增长引发的系列问题作出的思考等。其中冠词的用法较多,需要由老师引导学生整理归纳。考虑到课堂的容量有限,本课把重点放在复习重点词汇、归纳总结语法知识以及训练阅读图表能力上,并通过阅读图表引导学生学会深入思考问题。




















本节课以Minas problems”为教学主线,引导学生一步步“Help Mina solve the problems, 在解决Mina的问题的同时,引导学生将各个部分的复习内容串联衔接起来。复习流程图如下:





Step1 Lead-in

简单介绍Mina,激发学生的兴趣,观看视频并了解 Minas problems,引导学生一起帮助Mina解决问题。


Step2 Review words and phrases.(目标1

Review key words and phrases

noisenoisy one fifth 五分之一

reportreporter hang on稍等

growgrew prepare...for... 为……作准备

pollutionpollute all over the world

locallocation close down 关闭;关停

quiet   cause population increase

rubbish   billion public services

huge   notes solve problems

T: Lets review some key words and phrases. Try to remember them as quickly as you can.

Complete the passage with correct forms of words and phrases.

Our world is facing many ______ (problem). Two of the biggest are the increasing population and ______(污染).

The ______(人口)of the world is increasing quickly. It is a problem ______(全世界). Why is this happening? Because more babies are born every year and people also live ______long. Population increase causes a lot of problems, such as too ______(manytraffic and ______(噪音).

The another huge problem for the world is pollution. The air and water is ______(heavy) polluted. We should work harder to protect our world.


Step3 Review key sentences.(目标1


T: Lets review some important sentences. Please pay attention to some phrases.


After translating sentences, ask students to read them three times to consolidate.


Step4 Lets know more about Mina. Practice using a/an/the where necessary.(目标2

T: We have solved Minas first problem. You did a good job! Now, class, do you want to know more about my friend, Mina?

S: Yes.

T: Good. Heres a self-introduction about Mina. But there are some blanks left. Can you complete the passage with a, an or the? Please begin!


T: Lets check the answers together. So, how to use a, an or the?

2. Summarize how to use a/an/the.


3. Practice:用正确的冠词或“/”填空。

1______ sun is bigger than ______ earth.

2After having ______ breakfast, ______ boys are playing ______ soccer while ______ girls are playing ______ piano.

3Yesterday ______ eight-year-old boy fell into the river.

4Shanghai is in ______ east of China.


Step5 Learn how to read a big number. (目标3 )

T: Now Mina sent me her second problem. How to read a big number? Can you help her?...If you want to read a number, we should find the unit(单位) first.

1. 7,207,740,691 (seven billion, two hundred and seven million, seven hundred and forty thousand, six hundred and ninety-one.)


【设计意图】依据Mina的第二个问题“How to read a big number?”,自然地引入数字的读法的复习。本部分大数字的读法对学生来说较为简单,只要掌握正确的单位的读法即可。因此通过pair work的设计,让学生掌握大数字的正确读法。

Step6 Try to understand the graph(图表) and answer the questions.(目标4)

T: Now, we have solved Minas two problems. But Mina sent me another video. Lets see what happened.

(Watch the video together.)

T: So what do we know about Mina?

S: She has another problem.

T: Yes! So whats her problem? Lets help her!


T: What is this graph comparing? Here is a tip.




1. Which city had the largest population in 2000?

2. Which citys population will increase the most from 2000 to 2025?

3. Which city will have a larger increase in its population, New York or Mexico City?

4. Which city/cities do you think will have the biggest population problem? Why?

5. Population increase: Put cities in the right order.


Do you think population increase fast good or bad?


T: As we can see, the population increase fast or slow will both bring many problems. They all have good sides and bad sides. We need to find the balanced point. Thats the most important thing. In our life, we also need to find this balanced point. The Chinese great poet Fan Zhongyan once said Never pleased by external gains, never saddened by personal losses.That means he finds his balanced point in his heart, so he can achieve something big.


Step7 Summary

T: Class, now we have solved all problems from Mina. Mina says thank you so much! At last, lets have a short summary about this lesson.


Step8 Homework

1. Make a graph with the information.

2. Finish exercise in the handout.






1. 主线引领,环环相扣。作为复习课,复习的内容较为分散,知识呈现块状结构。本课引入了Mina and her problems 作为一条主线,将各个复习部分连接起来,实现了各个教学环节的有效衔接,过渡自然,形成一个完整的整体。同时也让学生更积极地投入到各个复习环节中去。

2. 向中考靠拢,提前适应。在复习词汇知识、重点句型时,采用文章填空和翻译句子的形式,让学生练习时更接近中考题型。

3. 深入发掘,启发生活。复习课不仅仅是复习知识,更需要引导学生进行深入探索,发现问题,本课较好地完成了这一教学目标。


1. 时间把握不好。词汇复习环节花费时间稍多,问题思考升华环节使用时间过少,结束时稍微有些拖堂。

2. 师生契合度不够。借班上课,学生有些不适应老师的语速,有些问题学生反应较慢,没有达到预期的效果。另外,学生活跃度不高,参与度较低,课堂气氛欠佳。


