

山东省青州市西书院初级中学   钟宁宁

山东省青州市教学研究室     刘建华






本课以人教版Go for it教材英语八年级下册Unit 6 Section A 3a-3c部分为例,是一节阅读课。课文内容是关于中国经典神话故事《西游记》的,提供了故事的主人公Monkey King的相关信息,学生对此内容比较熟悉,也很感兴趣。本节课的目标语句是“He can/cannot” 句型,如何讲述故事是本节课的难点。本课通过匹配段落大意、填写表格并进行复述来突破这一重点句型,并通过组内合作的方式,让学生借助思维导图以及对unless, so... that, as soon as等连词的运用,来突破讲述故事这一难点。

2. 学情分析

学生对中国传统经典故事《西游记》比较熟并很感兴趣,但要用英语讲述具体的细节可能会出现无从下手的情况,因此应从which, who, what, why等几方面对学生进行点拨。在口语输出环节,学生的易错点可能存在于一些连词的准确使用上。




1.在语境中理解本节课的目标词汇,能够正确使用unlessso... that, as soon as等连词造句。

2.使用skimming, scanning阅读策略,准确捕捉文本信息,完成相对应的判断、问答或填表格等任务。

3.能够流畅朗读课文,并借助文本框架的思维导图从which, who, what, how, why几方面复述课文。






评价任务1:在语境中理解目标词汇,造句练习强化对unlessso... that的理解与运用。(针对目标1

评价任务2:通过skimming匹配段落大意,通过scanning回答问题、填表格,获取Journey to the West的具体信息。(针对目标2








Step1 Guessing game

What is in the magic box?

T: Class, here I have a magic box. (互动并板书“magic) Do you know why I call it a magic box? Thats because you can get many different objects from it.(互动并板书“object”) Do you want to have a try?

Step2 Lead in

TLets see what else is in the box. Wow, thats a picture! Who is in the picture?

Ss: The monkey.  

T: Right. Which book is it from?  

Ss: Journey to the West.

过渡语:T: Lets read a passage about Journey to the West, shall we?

T: Please look at the passage. How many paragraphs?

Ss: Three.


【点评】通过guessing game激发学生的兴趣,引出本节课的部分目标词汇magic, tailstick, object。板书领读单词,然后继续猜测图片,将学生自然带入文本话题,继而引导学生划分段落,为后面的阅读和匹配做好准备。


Step3 Skim the passage and match (Fast reading)

引导语:Skim means you neednt read every word. Just read the main sentence and the key words. Pay more attention to the first and last sentences.

Para 1: Why do children love the story?

Para 2: The book Journey to the West and his main character(角色).

Para 3: What is Monkey King like


过渡语:Just now you got the main idea. Lets read carefully for detailed information.

Step4 Scan the paragraphs (Careful reading)

. Scan para 1 and tell T or F.

1. Most pupils in England watched the TV program called Monkey in 1979 for the first time.(    )

2. Monkey is new to Chinese children.(    )

3. Journey to the West is a modern Chinese book. It tells one of the most popular stories in China.(    )

【点评】点拨scanning阅读技巧, 训练学生通过scanning的阅读策略获取细节信息,并引导学生在文中找出相关句子进行大量朗读,增强语感,同时训练中考题型,一举多得。(针对目标2

. Scan para 2 and retell.

1. Scan para2 and complete the table.


引导语:TIf we want to know something that the Monkey King can or cannot do, which words do you think are important?

Ss: Can/Cannot.


2. Read the sentences about can, cannot.

3. Learn the phrases: so... that, unless and make sentences

【点评】细读第二段,完成表格,理解并熟读he can/ he cannot等句式,为后面的复述环节做好铺垫,同时引导学生理解文中的短语so that, unless等并进行翻译和造句练习,落实知识目标。(针对目标12

. Scan para 3 and answer the questions.

1. Do Chinese children love the story? Why?

2. Do western children like the story? Why?

引导语:T: What do you think of the Monkey King?

Ss: Never giving up/Kind/Brave/Funny...


总结语:T: So, do you like Monkey King?

Ss: Yes.

T: I like him too. And that is our Chinese culture. The characters in those stories are always brave, kind-hearted, hard-working and intelligent. Try to read more stories after class, will you?

【点评】引导学生从文章中找关键词回答问题,并阐述自己喜欢Monkey King的原因,加深对中国文化的了解。通过追问有思考价值的问题,训练学生的思维能力,同时现场生成总结孙悟空的优秀品质并板书强化,形成充满正能量的价值观,达到教育学生的目的。(针对目标2


Step5 Read the passage aloud after the E-pen


Step6 Retell a story

. Discuss (Group work): What is the structure of the passage?


. Retell the story with the help of the mind mapGroupwork.

引导语: Your English friend Jack is interested in Journey to the west. Please work in groups and tell the story to him.



Step7 Summary and Expand reading

1. Summary

总结语:T: Our Chinese culture is the treasure(宝藏) of our country. Its the symbol of courage, kindness and intelligence(智慧). Read more Chinese traditional literature and transfer Chinese culture!

2. Read the three passages.

引导语: Please read the three stories about Hou Yi, Chang E and Hua Mulan. Try to retell the stories with the help of the mind map.


Step8 Homework

1. Read the stories of Hou Yi, Chang E and Hua Mulan. Try to retell the stories with the help of the mind map.(必做)

2. Write about your favorite traditional Chinese story. (选做)




1. Hou Yi Shot Down the Suns

Hou Yi Shoots the Suns is a traditional Chinese story and Hou Yi is the main character of the story.

When Yao was the leader of the confederation of tribes, ten suns appeared in the sky. The crops were scorchedand the grass and trees were destroyed. The common people were starved to death. At the same timethe monsters and demons ran wild and did great harm to the people. Yao sent Hou Yi to kill them. Hou Yi killed the sharp teeth monster in the wilderness, slew the cruel dragon in the turbulent rivercaptured the storm demon in the valley of Qingqiu Mountains, cut the longest snake in Dong Ting Lake and captured the largest beast in the mulberry forest. After destroying all the monsters, he shot down the nine blazing suns keeping only one in the sky.

Thenthe mass could live a stable life again. Yi became the hero eulogized by the later generations.

2. Chang E Ascending to the Moon

Once upon a time, a young archer named Yi managed to shoot nine of the ten suns. An immortal gave him a pouch of pills of eternity as a token of gratitude on behalf of the people he had saved. With the pills, he could become an immortal himself and be able to ascend to heaven.

Yi had a beautiful wife named Chang E. He never left her alone except when he went on hunting expeditions. Each time before he left, he would entrust the eternity pills with Chang E. Once, Yi led his men on a hunting trip again. A vicious aid to Yi tried to take the pills from Chang E. Chang E swallowed the pills up and as result flew to the moon.

3. Hua Mulan

In the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China (420-589) lived a heroine(女英雄), named Hua Mulan.

Born in a small village in northern China, Mulan lived with her veteran father, her hard-working and kind-hearted mother, her young brother and sister. The whole family managed to lead a happy life through their hard work. One day, the army called people to serve for the war. Mulans father was told to be a soldier. However, he was so old that he could not go to the war. Mulan hadnt got an elder brother to go and fight. So she decided to disguise(乔装) herself as a man and join in the army instead of her father. She was brave and clever. Finally her army won and she returned home.

The story of Mulans replacing her father in the army is passed on from generation to generation. People of different times all deeply admire Mulan for her self-giving love for her family and her nation.


